CCPS – Process Safety Metrics Guide for Leading an Lagging Indicators – version 4.1
[Bron: CCPS, ]
This Guide is for those working in the process industries who wish to prevent major process safety events using indicators for evaluating trends within their process safety systems.
Measuring and monitoring trends and improving identified weaknesses in these systems will help reduce process safety risks, reducing incidents/accidents that can cause injuries and fatalities, harm the environment, damage Company assets and property, interrupt businesses, and adversely affect the Company’s reputation. The range of industries that may benefit from this Guide extends well beyond the upstream, midstream, and downstream oil & gas (including terminals, pipelines, storage, and distribution facilities), petrochemicals, chemicals, pharmaceuticals etc.
This edition includes the Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) for threshold release categorization. The GHS hazard classifications were selected to reflect the analogous U.S. DOT version of the United Nations Dangerous Goods (UNDG) hazard classifications that are used in both the earlier and 2021 – 2022 editions.
Deze rapportage maakt deel uit van de opdracht van het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid ( SZW (Sociale zaken en werkgelegenheid)) om incidenten te analyseren die de Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie heeft onderzocht. Het RIVM gaat na wat de overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen deze incidenten zijn. De resultaten kunnen worden gebruikt voor inspectie- en handhavingsstrategieën. Bedrijven kunnen de inzichten gebruiken om hun veiligheidsbeleid te verbeteren.