CEFIC guidance for reporting on the ICCA globally harmonised Process Safety Metric

[ Source: CEFIC – Responsible Care Leadership Group, https://cefic.org/   ]


A globally harmonized approach was developed for process safety performance reporting for the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). It strived to achieve full harmonization with the revised API Recommend Practice 754 (RP-754) – Leading and Lagging Process Safety Metric Standard. RP-754 is broadly used in the refining and petrochemical sector and in the Americas region to track process safety performance. ICCA adopt a process safety event rate metric based on process safety events experienced and the total number of worker hours (employees and contractors). The process safety event rate is the ratio of events to hours. The criteria that determine whether a process-related event qualifies as a process safety event are based on a loss of primary containment of a chemical or a release of energy triggering thresholds any one of four impact areas:

  1. safety/human health consequences;
  2. direct cost due to damage from incident;
  3. community impact; and
  4. chemical release quantity.

While the original version issued by ICCA allows regions to choose a local reporting basis, this version from Cefic refers to GHS (substance classification) instead of UNDG (UN dangerous goods classification) as well as Euros instead of Dollars.


juni 2016



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