IOGP 638 – Process Safety Fundamentals

[ Source: IOGP Safety Committee, Report 638, ]


The IOGP Process Safety Fundamentals (PSFs) have been developed to support companies as they seek to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, fatal and high severity process safety events.

Designed to support those working in front-line operations, maintenance, and on wells teams, the PSFs are informed by data and designed to draw attention to situations that are most likely to lead to process safety event fatalities.

The content of the PSFs should be familiar to the industry, but presenting these concepts as this Report does offers a tool to enable the front line to get a clearer picture of what process safety means in their day-to-day activities.

This report presents a core set of ten PSFs. IOGP believes that these core items are relevant to all upstream operations. In some cases, companies may find it beneficial to add to the list based on local process safety challenges. A possible list of additional PSFs, based on existing member company deployments, is provided.

This document introduces the Process Safety Fundamentals, the supporting data analysis, and provides implementation guidance. Additional implementation resources will be available at


October  2020



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